5 Pillars of Wellness

Research has shown that there are specific fundamental elements that support overall health and well-being. AdvoCare’s 5 Pillars of Wellness represent the key lifestyle elements that contribute toward your overall health and well-being. At AdvoCare, we believe a sustainable balance of all five pillars is important in order to live a healthy lifestyle and meet your personal health goals.

Below you’ll find resources associated with these 5 Pillars. We’ve collected this information in the hopes that it will help to contribute to us all staying well.


A balanced diet is one that contains a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including lean sources of protein, plentiful amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and limited quantities of processed foods and added sugar. It’s an eating plan that should be sustainable and enjoyable!

Read: Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Nutrition Habits, 8 Immune-Supporting Foods, How To Determine Your Calorie Needs

Regular Exercise 

Any amount of physical activity is better than none, but the recommended about is 150 minutes per week (or two hours and 30 minutes) in at least 10 minute intervals. A pedometer is a great way to help monitor your physical activity levels and stay on target.

Read: 10 Fitness Facts You Need To Know, At Home Circuit Workouts, The 5 Pillars of Fitness, Home Gym On A Budget, 5 Smart Strategies For A Successful Workout, 4 Moves To Build Lower Body Strength

Stress Management 

Stress is your body’s normal response to a challenge or demand. Not all stress is negative; in fact, a little stress can be a good thing when managed properly. Short-term and low levels of stress can help motivate you to achieve your goals, meet a deadline or get away in a dangerous situation. Prolonged periods of stress, however, can become unhealthy and get in the way of your health and life goals. It can lead to emotional eating, poor sleep and the adoption of more sedentary behaviors. Creating your own stress-management strategy is a great way to keep stress in check.

Read: 10 Quick Ways To De-Stress, Coping In Crisis: Positive Tips To Manage Stress, Yoga For Stress Relief


Believe it or not, sleep is probably one of the most important activities of the day, yet it is the one we most often sacrifice. Those who sleep less than seven hours a night are more likely to have weight issues and other health. The National Sleep Association recommends adults get 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

Read: 10 Tips From Power Sleepers, 5 Tips To Improve Sleep Quality, The Power In Power Naps


Even some of the most balanced diets are filled with nutritional gaps. Consistently eating healthy food is the desired goal to help promote health, but food alone may not provide the total daily Recommended Dietary Allowances you need for sufficient nutrition. Nutritional supplements can be made with ingredients that assist with healthy aging, metabolism, weight management, stress management, sleep and athletic performance.

Read: Dietary Supplements and Supporting The Immune System, Tips For Supplementing Nutritional Gaps, Can We Take Too Many Supplements?

The AdvoCare 10-Day Reset™

AdvoCare 10-Day Reset

If you’re looking for support, the AdvoCare 10-Day Reset™ is a guided program that can help kick-start your healthy habits, resetting the microbiome, assisting in nutrient absorption and gently removing waste from your body.* A key to overall wellness is a healthy gut microbiome. It’s linked to many bodily functions, including energy, metabolism, immune response, digestive health, and more. Shop it here!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.