Many women lead busy lives, juggling work and family life. Oftentimes, this can lead to stress, resulting in health issues and a lack of nutrition. So how do you maintain proper nutrition with a fast-paced lifestyle?
Proper nutrition, including vitamins and minerals, is essential – and chances are, you’re not getting enough! We asked our trusted professionals what their top concerns regarding women and which nutrients could help. Here’s what they said:
Taking Care of Digestive Health – Gail Cresci, Ph.D., R.D., L.D., CNSC
Gut microbiota, the trillions of bacteria that reside within our intestines, feed off of what we eat and react to our stressors. It is of utmost importance to keep these microbes happy. The primary way to do this is by eating a healthy, balanced diet, but including certain dietary components such as digestible protein, fermented foods and healthy bacteria can be beneficial.
Another way to maintain healthy gut microbiota is to consume live active cultures or probiotics. Some of the beneficial bacteria may not remain within the intestine and can be replenished by regular consumption in the diet.
Getting the Proper Nutrition – Carl Keen, Ph.D.
Over the past few decades, research has suggested that good nutrition can help reduce the risk of age-related diseases. However, a key question is to what extent are typical present-day diets meeting our needs? There is literature that supports the potential value of fortified foods and supplements in meeting nutritional requirements.
Marginal iron deficiency is common mineral deficiency in women’s diets. It is estimated that nine to 16 percent of reproductive age women are iron deficient, whereas two to five percent are anemic. While the causes of iron deficiency can be multifactorial in nature, low dietary intakes can be a major contributing factor.
Another mineral which may be marginal in the diet of many women is zinc. While, like iron, the causes of marginal zinc deficiency are multifactorial in nature, increasing the dietary intake of zinc can typically correct the deficiency. It is important to note, however, that the use of simple zinc supplements in excess can result in a secondary copper deficiency as these two essential minerals can compete for absorption.
Ensuring Protein in Your Diet – Leanne Redman, Ph.D., MS, FTOS
One of the biggest health threats for many women is being overweight. Our foods contain more calories per bite than in the past, and our jobs and lifestyles tend to require less activity. On top of this, women’s metabolisms begin to slow down as they age.
The composition of our diet, along with regular physical activity, is critical to help curb excess weight gain as we age. Our diets should contain less than 30 percent of calories from fat and more than 15 percent of calories from protein. Protein aids in satiety and can prevent overeating at mealtimes. Consuming adequate protein can also promote a more healthful body composition. Deposited in muscle, protein helps support lean body mass and can stimulate your metabolism.
Scientific and Medical Advisory Board Members are compensated for their role on the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board.

Carl Keen
Distinguished Professor of Nutrition & Internal Medicine at University of California, Davis and member of AdvoCare Scientific and Medical Advisory Board.
- California Governor's Scientific Advisory Board for Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
- Past president, California Nutrition Council
- Holds Mars Endowed Chair in Developmental Nutrition
Published Works
- Frequent grant review for the National Institutes of Health, US Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency
- University of California, Davis
“Translating high science into high-quality products is a challenge, and AdvoCare has always been a leader in this pursuit.”